MacOS High Sierra
MacOS High Sierra

2018年7月12日—It'smacOSatitshighestlevelyet.Easilyorganize,editandviewyourphotosinPhotos.•MakeshortvideosfromyourLivePhotosusingnew ...,macOSHighSierraPatcherToolforUnsupportedMacs.*Thisutilityisprovidedtoanyonefreeofcharge,howeverifyou'dliketodo...

macOS High Sierra


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macOS High Sierra on the Mac App Store

2018年7月12日 — It's macOS at its highest level yet. Easily organize, edit and view your photos in Photos. • Make short videos from your Live Photos using new ...

macOS High Sierra Patcher Tool for Unsupported Macs

macOS High Sierra Patcher Tool for Unsupported Macs. *This utility is provided to anyone free of charge, however if you'd like to donate, you can do so here ...

macOS High Sierra

macOS High Sierra (version 10.13) is the fourteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. macOS High Sierra ...

macOS High Sierra (10.13) 相容性常見問題集

2022年6月29日 — macOS High Sierra (10.13) 相容性常見問題集| Creative Cloud · 更快、更輕鬆地獲得協助 · Adobe Creative Cloud.

macOS High Sierra 被下架了,就用終端機去下載吧!(限時

2018年9月26日 — 10.14 macOS Majove 上線後,上一代作業系統10.13 macOS High Sierra 就被蘋果悄悄的給下架了,就連「已購項目」也都找不到,其實這個情形在10.12 ...

macOS High Sierra

部分功能需要iOS 11 與macOS High Sierra。 部分功能需要Wi-Fi 連線。部分功能未適用於所有國家或地區。部分服務存取數目限制在10 部裝置以下。


內容簡介. Perfect for new and longtime Mac users, this no-fluff guide to macOS High Sierra is packed with details on system preferences, the desktop, ...

macOS High Sierra

macOS High Sierra(版本10.13)是蘋果公司Mac電腦系列產品的作業系統。這個版本專注於改善前一版macOS Sierra中的功能,包括「照片」、「郵件」及「Safari」等等。


2018年7月12日—It'smacOSatitshighestlevelyet.Easilyorganize,editandviewyourphotosinPhotos.•MakeshortvideosfromyourLivePhotosusingnew ...,macOSHighSierraPatcherToolforUnsupportedMacs.*Thisutilityisprovidedtoanyonefreeofcharge,howeverifyou'dliketodonate,youcandosohere ...,macOSHighSierra(version10.13)isthefourteenthmajorreleaseofmacOS,AppleInc.'sdesktopoperatingsystemforMacintoshcomputers.macOSHi...